Armenian Painters in the Ottoman Empire. Kutusunda Garo Kürkman Matüsalem Publications, 2004 2 cilt takım (960 s.), renkli ve s/b resimli. 33x24 cm. Yayıncısının şömizli orijinal cildinde. Özel kutusu içinde.

A handsomely bound and printed work which took over 15 years to compile and which features 455 Armenian painters and their depictions of the Ottoman Empire between 1600 and 1923. Vol. 1: Local and international exhibitions from 1901 to 1922; amateur painters; Istanbul art dealers; Ottoman engravers; forgeries; the manufacture of pigments; the painters and their works - Vol. 2: The painters and their works; painters discovered too late to include; 1916-1922 painters in the Galatasaray exhibitions; bibliography; and index.